Lowongan kerja operator telepon , PT Swasembada Media Bisnis

Resepsionis & Operator Telepon (R-OT)  - PT Swasembada Media Bisnis


  • Menerima tamu/ dokumen terkait aktivitas kantor
  • Menerima & menyambungkan telepon
  • Mendistribusikan dokumen yang masuk kepada pihak terkait


  • Pendidikan D3
  • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
  • Lebih disukai mampu berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris
  • Berpenampilan menarik

Company Overview

About SWA
“Inspiring, insightful and full of excellent business information! All these components are essential to anticipate the fast changing business world and to fulfill the need for agile and responsive corporate actions. SWA as a frontline source of business information continues to encourage a culture of Indonesia than would like to know, decide and act with confidence, as well as contributing to efficiency and profitability of companies in the country. “
About SWA Online
SWA Online (swa.co.id) is a business portal that contains various information related to business marketing, management, CSR, corporate action, good corporate governance, business profiles (businessmen and professionals), personal investment, information technology, exclusive interviews with the CEO (Chief Executive Officer), as well as research data.
Not just the latest news, business information presented in SWA Online also contains about learning from the successful business, successful company, management, marketing, who creating success business, entrepreneurship, career development, and the success story of youngster on business.
SWA Magazine is a magazine in Jakarta, Indonesia. Covering business news & updates, management, marketing, executives, entrepreneur, business poeple, companies, and community events.
Our Websites:
Website: swa.co.id, mix.co.id
Twitter: twitter.com/swamediainc, twitter.com/swamagazine
Facebook: facebook.com/swamagazine; facebook.com/swaonline
Google+: gplus.to/SWA

Media, Magazines, Market Research, Online Media, Business Data & Solution Center, Event Organizer
Site http://swa.co.id/


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